Remote transmitters for gates, garages and our alarms are the latest addition to our sets of keys. We stock an extensive range and have the know how concerning coding of these remotes. Some older types can be easily coded in our shop or by yourself. Most of the newer types need to be programmed at your premises. We are happy to assist you and provide any information regarding this process. Some of the brands that we supply are: ET, SENTRY, Q-TRON, APPOLO / SHERLOTRONIC, DIGITRONIC, EASYLIFT, PI ELECTRONICS / CODEX, EAGLE, CLICK ON, CENTURION / NOVA / SMART, AM, DYNO, GEMINI.

Whether it is for your grandads Bedford or your son's brand new Subaru, we can cut your car key! Most vehicles manufactured after 1994 has been fitted with a ECU unit that acts as an immobiliser. The key has a hidden transponder chip that communicates with the ECU when in range with the receiver. We are able to read and copy the data on these chips, transfer the data on to a new chip and cut a spare key. We are currently able to copy keys for most car brands and models. Come in for a quote it only takes a couple of minutes and the complete process could cost you as little as R850.00.

Keys and Locks

Dead Lock/s

Watch batteries

Master Key,

Mobile Lock Smith Services - On Call 24 HOURS